August Folly

Arsy Varsy means ‘head over heels’! And that’s how we feel right now as we get ready for The Playa!

Gizmo making metal wheels for our buggy

Our Antique 1800’s Dr’s Buggy is transforming into a pedal powered carriage to ride us around the playa at Burning Man. The Gizmologist is shown here on a quick break in his laboratory. This project is so difficult but so fun! Stay tuned for more photos once it is done.

For those not familiar with the Burning Man event, it takes place in the Nevadan Desert, with 70,000 people for a weeks worth of Artful Experiences.

Below is their mission statement, a beautiful thing don’t you think?

Burning Man: Our Mission

Burning Man Project’s mission is to produce the annual event known as Burning Man and to guide, nurture and protect the more permanent community created by its culture. Our intention is to generate society that connects each individual to his or her creative powers, to participation in community, to the larger realm of civic life, and to the even greater world of nature that exists beyond society.

We believe that the experience of Burning Man can produce positive spiritual change in the world. To this end, it is equally important that we communicate with one another, with the citizens of Black Rock City and with the community of Burning Man wherever it may arise. Burning Man is radically inclusive, and its meaning is potentially accessible to anyone.

The touchstone of value in our culture will always be immediacy: experience before theory, moral relationships before politics, survival before services, roles before jobs, embodied support before sponsorship. Finally, in order to accomplish these ends, Burning Man must endure as a self-supporting enterprise that is capable of sustaining the lives of those who dedicate themselves to its work. From this devotion spring those duties that we owe to one another.